Another oh hae young ep 2
Another oh hae young ep 2

another oh hae young ep 2

As a testament to her sword-fighting skills, she was able to easily defeat Igris during their sparring session. Master Swordsman: Cha is proficient at swordsmanship and is able to come up with creative and unorthodox ways to kill monsters efficiently.Jinwoo is the only known hunter who does not smell bad to her, due to his status as the Player of the System. Mana Smell: Cha is sensitive to the smell of mana, causing hunters and monsters to smell foul to her.

another oh hae young ep 2 another oh hae young ep 2

Goto also considered her competent enough to give his guild's best hunters a run for their money and even the Ant King considered her to be the most dangerous out of all the Korean hunters in the Jeju Island Raid Party. At some point after becoming a hunter, she developed a strange condition that caused other hunters and monsters to smell foul to her.Ĭha is the third strongest hunter in Korea after Go Gunhee and Jinwoo, with the latter initially believing that she and Gunhee could be on the same level of power. She is also easily embarrassed and almost instantly lost her composure after Jinwoo teased her over her pickaxe incident.Ĭha became a S-Rank about two years before the events of the main storyline and joined the Hunters Guild as its Vice-Guild Master. Outside of her job, however, Cha does not seem to have any friends and comes off as socially awkward. She is also very diligent when training, as she continued to hone her sword technique even after becoming a S-Rank Hunter, and was perceptive enough to realize after her first meeting with Sung Jinwoo that something wasn't quite right with him. When using her abilities, her eyes glow yellow.Ĭha is a meticulous woman who cares about the lives of those around her, as demonstrated by how she developed a habit of patrolling the boss' lair during her guild's raids in order to ensure the safety of the mining and hauling teams. She typically wears red-themed armor on raids and carries a black sword with a silver hilt. Cha is a pretty young woman with gray eyes and blonde hair in a bob cut.

Another oh hae young ep 2